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General Secretary
Nepal Pediatric Society(NEPAS)
Section Officer, Personal Secretary to Secretary
SRHR Programme Analyst
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Head of Secretariat
Global Financing Facility (GFF)
Directeur général
Ministère de la santé et de l'hygiène publique
Additional Secretary
Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination
Deputy Director
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Senior Program Officer
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Secretary of State
Ministry of Health
Deputy Director Department of Planning and health Information, Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health
Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Program Officer
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Program Officer, Devices & AI
Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Senior Program Officer
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Deputy Director Maternal Health
Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Lead - Maternal & Newborn Health
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Deputy Director, Family Health
Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Program Officer
Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Senior Program Officer
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Professor and Senior Advisor
Addis Continental Institute of Public Health
Project manager
Chiesi Foundation
Chef de service suivi et evaluation direction sante de la famille.
Ministere de la santé publique et de la population ( MSPP)
Assistant Professor
University College Dublin
Head of Department
Western Cape Department of Health
GFF Liaison Officer
Global Financing Facility, the World Bank Group
National Coordinator for Mental Health Pharmaceutical Services/International Addiction Professional and Focal point for Training
MOH, Liberia
Communications & Advocacy Specialist
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)