May 09, 2023 08:00 - 17:00(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230509T0800 20230509T1700 Africa/Johannesburg

If for some reason you are unable to upload your presentation by the deadline of 04 May, you may bring it on a USB drive no less than 24 hours prior to your scheduled presentation(s) to the Presenter Assistance Room (Room 1.51-1.52). The Presenter Assistance Room will be open on the following dates/times:

- Sunday, 07 May, 13:00-18:00

- Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 08-10 May, 08:00-17:00 Please bring a picture ID with you to the Presenter Assistance Room.

International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
27 attendees saved this session

If for some reason you are unable to upload your presentation by the deadline of 04 May, you may bring it on a USB drive no less than 24 hours prior to your scheduled presentation(s) to the Presenter Assistance Room (Room 1.51-1.52). The Presenter Assistance Room will be open on the following dates/times:

- Sunday, 07 May, 13:00-18:00

- Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 08-10 May, 08:00-17:00 Please bring a picture ID with you to the Presenter Assistance Room.

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