May 07, 2023 08:00 - 17:00(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230507T0800 20230507T1700 Africa/Johannesburg

UNFPA, ICM, WHO, UNICEF are organizing the 5th Global Midwifery Symposium at the IMNHC (Roof Terrace at CTICC 1). The Symposium brings together not only global midwifery leaders, but also stakeholders, policy makers, programme managers and other SRMNH healthcare professionals. Together we will discuss how the midwife-led model of care is best suited to provide quality respectful women centered care and end preventable maternal and newborn deaths; the challenges and opportunities that are there; the enabling environment that is needed and the inter-professional collaboration necessary for bringing about optimum health outcomes for a woman and her newborn. We will also learn about what global partners and countries are doing and commitments they want to make to strengthen this important cadre to help achieve the Health Sustainable Goal in ending preventable maternal and newborn mortality by 2030.

This is an invite-only event with a limited number of 60 open slots to be filled on first come first served basis. Requests for inclusion should be sent to and 

International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
129 attendees saved this session

UNFPA, ICM, WHO, UNICEF are organizing the 5th Global Midwifery Symposium at the IMNHC (Roof Terrace at CTICC 1). The Symposium brings together not only global midwifery leaders, but also stakeholders, policy makers, programme managers and other SRMNH healthcare professionals. Together we will discuss how the midwife-led model of care is best suited to provide quality respectful women centered care and end preventable maternal and newborn deaths; the challenges and opportunities that are there; the enabling environment that is needed and the inter-professional collaboration necessary for bringing about optimum health outcomes for a woman and her newborn. We will also learn about what global partners and countries are doing and commitments they want to make to strengthen this important cadre to help achieve the Health Sustainable Goal in ending preventable maternal and newborn mortality by 2030.

This is an invite-only event with a limited number of 60 open slots to be filled on first come first served basis. Requests for inclusion should be sent to and 

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