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May 11, 2023 11:50 - 13:05(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230511T1150 20230511T1305 Africa/Johannesburg

The Impact of Longitudinal Midwifery Mentorship on the Availability of Essential Drugs and Supplies in Five Primary Health Care Facilities in Blantyre District, Malawi

Nurses and midwives form the backbone of maternal and newborn health care delivery in Malawi, and as such should be at the core of interventions aimed at improving respective health outcomes. The University of California San Francisco Global Action in Nursing (GAIN) project aims to improve maternal and newborn health by supporting nurses and midwives with intensive training and longitudinal bedside mentorship. GAIN activities include empowering nurses and midwives to monitor and advocate for the availability of essential drugs and supplies to enable high-quality health care delivery.

Impact of Midwifery Regulatory Environments on Maternal Health Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) 

We created a measure of midwifery policy and regulatory environments, then correlated a country's score with access to midwives and maternal health outcomes. Because evidence increasingly shows that access alone is insufficient to transform outcomes, we incorporated quality of care outcomes such as patient experience to measure the impact of the policy and regulatory environment on the care midwives are able to provide. We hypothesized that countries with stronger policy and regulatory environments would have higher rates of access to midwives and improved perinatal outcomes.

Fear as an Underlying Perception Determines Midwifery Care Provision in Southern Tanzania: A Qualitative Study Using Co-design 

High-quality midwifery care plays a vital role in reducing maternal and perinatal mortality as well as increasing facility-based delivery rates. Midwifery care prov ...

International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023 information@imnhc.org
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The Impact of Longitudinal Midwifery Mentorship on the Availability of Essential Drugs and Supplies in Five Primary Health Care Facilities in Blantyre District, Malawi

Nurses and midwives form the backbone of maternal and newborn health care delivery in Malawi, and as such should be at the core of interventions aimed at improving respective health outcomes. The University of California San Francisco Global Action in Nursing (GAIN) project aims to improve maternal and newborn health by supporting nurses and midwives with intensive training and longitudinal bedside mentorship. GAIN activities include empowering nurses and midwives to monitor and advocate for the availability of essential drugs and supplies to enable high-quality health care delivery.

Impact of Midwifery Regulatory Environments on Maternal Health Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) 

We created a measure of midwifery policy and regulatory environments, then correlated a country's score with access to midwives and maternal health outcomes. Because evidence increasingly shows that access alone is insufficient to transform outcomes, we incorporated quality of care outcomes such as patient experience to measure the impact of the policy and regulatory environment on the care midwives are able to provide. We hypothesized that countries with stronger policy and regulatory environments would have higher rates of access to midwives and improved perinatal outcomes.

Fear as an Underlying Perception Determines Midwifery Care Provision in Southern Tanzania: A Qualitative Study Using Co-design 

High-quality midwifery care plays a vital role in reducing maternal and perinatal mortality as well as increasing facility-based delivery rates. Midwifery care providers work in a complex and often unpredictable environment, more so in settings with high morbidity and mortality, low staffing levels, poor equipment, and frequent commodity stock out. The aim of this study was to understand how this environment is shaping care provision, including decision-making and communication in midwifery care, in Southern Tanzania.

Reducing Intrapartum Stillbirths among Pregnant Women in Southeastern Liberia: A Nursing- and Midwifery-Led Quality Improvement Initiative 

Of the 2.6 million stillbirths globally, 98% occur in low- and middle-income countries. Roughly half of stillbirths happen during labor, referred to as fresh stillbirths (FSBs), the majority of them preventable. In 2019, J.J. Dossen Memorial Hospital (JJD) in Liberia reported 46 FSBs per 1,000 births. The hospital targets a stillbirth rate of 12/1,000 births or less by 2030. This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to reduce FSB rates by 56.5%, from 46/1,000 births in 2019 to 20/1,000 births in 2021, by focusing on gaps in clinical care.

The Impact of Longitudinal Midwifery Mentorship on the Availability of Essential Drugs and Supplies in Five Primary Health Care Facilities in Blantyre District, Malawi
Single Abstract 11:50 AM - 01:05 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 09:50:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 11:05:00 UTC
Strengthening Quality of Care
Health Systems and Workforce
Presenters Oveka Jana
Co-Director-Global Action In Nursing, GAIA Malawi
Richard Malirakwenda
GAIN Project Officer, Global Aids Interfaith Alliance
Luseshelo Simwinga
Global Action In Nursing Midwife Mentor, Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance
Kimberly Baltzell
Global Action In Nursing Director, University Of California San Francisco
Alden Blair
Global Action In Nursing Research Director, University Of California San Francisco
Miranda Rouse
Program Coordinator, Global Action In Nursing (GAIN), University Of California, San Francisco
Anna Muller
Global Action In Nursing Program Advisor, University Of California San Francisco
Impact of Midwifery Regulatory Environments on Maternal Health Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)
Single Abstract 11:50 AM - 01:05 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 09:50:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 11:05:00 UTC
Health Systems and Workforce
Presenters Emma Clark
Maternal Newborn Health Consultant, Vanderbilt University
Fear as an Underlying Perception Determines Midwifery Care Provision in Southern Tanzania: A Qualitative Study Using Co-design
Single Abstract 11:50 AM - 01:05 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 09:50:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 11:05:00 UTC
Strengthening Quality of Care
Health Systems and Workforce
Presenters Regine Unkels
PhD Student, Karolinska Institutet
Andrea Pembe
Professor, Muhimbili University Of Health And Allied Sciences
Helle Moelsted-Alvesson
Departmental Director Of Education, Karolinska Institutet
Effie Chipeta
Director Of Scientific Operations, Kamuzu University Of Health Science
Reducing Intrapartum Stillbirths among Pregnant Women in Southeastern Liberia: A Nursing- and Midwifery-Led Quality Improvement Initiative
Single Abstract 11:50 AM - 01:05 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 09:50:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 11:05:00 UTC
Small and Sick Newborns (SSNB)
Strengthening Quality of Care
Innovative Tools and Strategies
Presenters Daniel Maweu
Global Action In Nursing Co-director, Partners In Health, Liberia
Co-authors Marshall Sackey
Nurse Educator Associate / GAIN Mentor, Partners In Health, Liberia
Garmai A. Forkpah
Senior Obstetrics/Gynecology Clinical Mentor, Partners In Health, Liberia
Yassah Moluwoi
Registered Mid-wife, MoH Liberia
Merab Nyishime
Nursing Lead, Partners In Health
George Methodius
County Health Officer, MoH Liberia
Ibrahim Sanoe
J.J. Dossen Memorial Hospital Medical Director, J.J. Dossen Memorial Hospital
Viola Karanja
Deputy Executive Director , Partners In Health
Sarah Anyango
Deputy Clinical Director/MCH Lead, Partners In Health
Sonnie Kollie
Registered Nurse Midwife, MoH Liberia
Global Action In Nursing co-director
Partners In Health, Liberia
PhD Student
Karolinska Institutet
Maternal Newborn Health Consultant
Vanderbilt University
Co-Director-Global Action in Nursing
GAIA Malawi
Senior Program Officer
Ms. Chipiliro Payesa
Study Coordinator
John Hopkins Research Institute
Attendees public profile is disabled.
The Impact of Longitudinal Midwifery Mentorship...
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Reducing Intrapartum Stillbirths among Pregnant...
IMNHC_1685022098ReducingFSB_Liberia_IMNHCPPTFinal.pptx View Submitted by Marshall Sackey 1
Impact of Midwifery Regulatory Environments on ...
IMNHC_1684772088emmaclarkpresentation.pptx View Submitted by Emma Clark 1
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