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May 11, 2023 09:10 - 10:25(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230511T0910 20230511T1025 Africa/Johannesburg

Invisibility of Neonatal Deaths in the Civil Registration System: Evidence from India

Improvements in birth and death registration have been seen in India recently but they continue to be poor in the state of Bihar, which accounts for a significant proportion of neonatal mortality in India. We undertook an assessment to understand the current status of and barriers to improving the coverage of birth and neonatal death registration.

Closing the Gap of Uncounted Children Born in Facilities Globally: Literature Review and Qualitative Research 

Identity registration is crucial in providing children with important rights, including access to health care and education, as well as a legal identity and access to essential services. Globally, approximately 166 million children under five (just under 25%) are unregistered, yet more than 80% of births in most low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) occur within health facilities. There is a gap between high rates of facility births and low birth registration rates, which highlights the opportunity for facility-based initiatives to address this gap. This study, conducted in association with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), reviews facility-based birth registration initiatives, and provides recommendations to close the gap between high rates of facility births and lower birth registration rates in LMICs.

Causes of Maternal Mortality among Female Sex Workers: Results of First Ever Multi-country Study 

The majority of studies on female sex workers (FSWs) focus on morbidity while data on mortality are scarce. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where civil registry and vital statistics data are often incomplete and FSWs may not be identified as such in official regi ...

International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023 information@imnhc.org
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Invisibility of Neonatal Deaths in the Civil Registration System: Evidence from India

Improvements in birth and death registration have been seen in India recently but they continue to be poor in the state of Bihar, which accounts for a significant proportion of neonatal mortality in India. We undertook an assessment to understand the current status of and barriers to improving the coverage of birth and neonatal death registration.

Closing the Gap of Uncounted Children Born in Facilities Globally: Literature Review and Qualitative Research 

Identity registration is crucial in providing children with important rights, including access to health care and education, as well as a legal identity and access to essential services. Globally, approximately 166 million children under five (just under 25%) are unregistered, yet more than 80% of births in most low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) occur within health facilities. There is a gap between high rates of facility births and low birth registration rates, which highlights the opportunity for facility-based initiatives to address this gap. This study, conducted in association with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), reviews facility-based birth registration initiatives, and provides recommendations to close the gap between high rates of facility births and lower birth registration rates in LMICs.

Causes of Maternal Mortality among Female Sex Workers: Results of First Ever Multi-country Study 

The majority of studies on female sex workers (FSWs) focus on morbidity while data on mortality are scarce. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where civil registry and vital statistics data are often incomplete and FSWs may not be identified as such in official registries, identifying causes of mortality among FSWs has proven challenging.

The Social, Economic, Emotional, and Physical Experiences and Consequences of Informal Caregiving among Caregivers for Women with Female Genital Fistula in Uganda: A Mixed Methods Study 

Informal caregivers remain critical across the care continuum for women with genital fistula in lower-resource settings, especially where the health workforce is overburdened and underfunded. Similar to other stigmatized conditions, including HIV and tuberculosis, women with fistula navigate complex physical and social consequences and rely on informal caregivers for additional support. Understanding and supporting caregivers' needs may improve outcomes for the caregiver and their patient. Thus, this convergent mixed-methods study explored the firsthand experiences of informal caregivers of women with fistula in Kampala, Uganda.

Invisibility of Neonatal Deaths in the Civil Registration System: Evidence from India
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:25 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:25:00 UTC
Small and Sick Newborns (SSNB)
Targets and Metrics
Presenters Rakhi Dandona
Professor, Public Health Foundation Of India
Senior Public Health Specialist, Public Health Foundation Of India
Sibin George
Research Associate, Public Health Foundation Of India
Md Akbar
Senior Project Associate , Public Health Foundation Of India
Siva Prasad
Senior Project Assistant, Public Health Foundation Of India
Arpita Paul
Research Fellow, Public Health Foundation Of India
Closing the Gap of Uncounted Children Born in Facilities Globally: Literature Review and Qualitative Research
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:25 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:25:00 UTC
Targets and Metrics
Presenters Masudah Paleker
Public Health Medicine Registrar, Western Cape Department Of Health, South Africa
Dorothy Boggs
Research Fellow, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Debra Jackson
Professor & Takeda Chair In Global Child Health, London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine
Louise Tina Day
Researcher , The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Joy Lawn
Co Director MARCH Centre, And NEST360, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Causes of Maternal Mortality among Female Sex Workers: Results of First Ever Multi-country Study
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:25 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:25:00 UTC
Global Guidelines and Local Adaptations
Targets and Metrics
Wendy Macias-Konstantopoulos
Harvard Medical School, Associate Professor, Global Health Promise, Global Policy Advisor
Co-authors Brian Willis
Director, Global Health Promise
The Social, Economic, Emotional, and Physical Experiences and Consequences of Informal Caregiving among Caregivers for Women with Female Genital Fistula in Uganda: A Mixed Methods Study
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:25 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:25:00 UTC
Health Systems and Workforce
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Alison El Ayadi
Associate Professor, University Of California, San Francisco
Co-authors Ashley Mitchell
Graduate Student Researcher, Institute For Global Health Sciences, University Of California, San Francisco
RESEARCH MANAGER, Makerere University College Of Health Sciences, Kampala, Uganda
Suellen Miller
Professor, University Of California
Wagahta Semere
Assistant Professor Of Medicine, Division Of General Internal Medicine, University Of California, San Francisco
Justus Barageine
Obstetrician/Gynaecologist And Urogynaecologist, Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Makerere University College Of Health Sciences
Abner Korn
Professor, Department Of Obstetrics, Gynecology And Reproductive Sciences, University Of California San Francisco
Susan Obore
Obstetrician Gynecologist / Honorary Lecturer, Makerere University College Of Health Sciences, School Of Medicine Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology
Ruby Lucas
Doctoral Student, University Of Washington
Josaphat Byamugisha
Director, University Health Sciences, Makerere University
Associate Professor
University of California, San Francisco
Harvard Medical School, Associate Professor
Global Health Promise, Global Policy Advisor
Public Health Medicine Registrar
Western Cape Department of Health, South Africa
Public Health Foundation of India
Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng
Executive Director
Our Equity // UN Special Rapporteur Health
Dr. Arachu Castro
Samuel Z. Stone Chair of Public Health in Latin America
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
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Causes of Maternal Mortality among Female Sex W...
IMNHC_1684764858wendy_macias_konstantopoulos.pptx View Submitted by Wendy Macias-Konstantopoulos 1
Closing the Gap of Uncounted Children Born in F...
IMNHC_1684764800m_palekeroral_abstract_presentationl.pptx View Submitted by Masudah Paleker 1
Invisibility of Neonatal Deaths in the Civil Re...
IMNHC_1684764258g_anil_kumar.pptx View Submitted by Rakhi Dandona 1
The Social, Economic, Emotional, and Physical E...
IMNHC_1684764907alison_ayadi.pptx View Submitted by Alison El Ayadi 1
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