Integration of service delivery components is a challenge in the best of circumstances, not least because vertical funding streams often work against it. Yet in all settings, truly patient-centered care is integrated, maximizing efficiency of contact between care-seeking families and their care teams. In settings characterized by conflict, post-conflict, the effects of climate change, frequent government turnover, and other shocks and stresses, quality integrated care becomes that much more of an imperative.
In this panel, Save the Children will speak about the importance of supporting integrated primary health care in Somaliland; MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience will share immediate postpartum and postabortion family planning trends in supported counties in South Sudan; Building Foundation for Development will present their lessons learned implementing mobile medical teams providing an integrated package of services in Yemen; and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will speak about their success improving outcomes through the offer of cash assistance for healthy pregnancies and safe births in the Philippines.
Each panelist will highlight the ways in which integration helped overcome difficulties particular to the setting in which they work and improved holistic care for mothers and their newborns.
Room: 2.44-2.46 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023 information@imnhc.orgIntegration of service delivery components is a challenge in the best of circumstances, not least because vertical funding streams often work against it. Yet in all settings, truly patient-centered care is integrated, maximizing efficiency of contact between care-seeking families and their care teams. In settings characterized by conflict, post-conflict, the effects of climate change, frequent government turnover, and other shocks and stresses, quality integrated care becomes that much more of an imperative.
In this panel, Save the Children will speak about the importance of supporting integrated primary health care in Somaliland; MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience will share immediate postpartum and postabortion family planning trends in supported counties in South Sudan; Building Foundation for Development will present their lessons learned implementing mobile medical teams providing an integrated package of services in Yemen; and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will speak about their success improving outcomes through the offer of cash assistance for healthy pregnancies and safe births in the Philippines.
Each panelist will highlight the ways in which integration helped overcome difficulties particular to the setting in which they work and improved holistic care for mothers and their newborns.