Multimedia Showcase Room: 2.64-2.66 Thematic Session
May 10, 2023 16:35 - 17:35(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230510T1635 20230510T1735 Africa/Johannesburg What Does Respect Mean to Me? A Video Journey around the World

The Respect Video Contest encouraged women and girls from around the world to create and submit a video showing what respect means to them. This multimedia session will give visual examples of what respectful maternity care looks like for people from South Africa to Guatemala. Come, listen, and learn what respect means to them!

Room: 2.64-2.66 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
63 attendees saved this session

The Respect Video Contest encouraged women and girls from around the world to create and submit a video showing what respect means to them. This multimedia session will give visual examples of what respectful maternity care looks like for people from South Africa to Guatemala. Come, listen, and learn what respect means to them!

E-Center for Women's Cancer and Maternal Health
Founder, CEO, PI
Your Egyptian Doula
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