Innovative Tools and Strategies | Prevention and Clinical Management Room: Roof Terrace Pre-Formed Panel
May 09, 2023 11:00 - 11:45(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230509T1100 20230509T1145 Africa/Johannesburg Early Detection and First Response Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage at Vaginal Birth: Results of the Multi-country Cluster-Randomized E-MOTIVE Trial: Late-Breaker Session #1

Every seven minutes a mother dies from postpartum hemorrhage, and approximately half of these deaths occur following a vaginal birth. The primary reasons for the deaths are non- or delayed diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhage and inconsistent delivery of effective interventions. The E-MOTIVE intervention addresses these challenges through early and accurate detection of postpartum hemorrhage (E) using a calibrated blood collection drape, and timely and consistent delivery of effective interventions via the MOTIVE bundle (MOTIVE: uterine Massage, Oxytocic drugs, Tranexamic acid, Intra-Venous fluids, and Examination and Escalation). The E-MOTIVE trial is a multi-centre (78 hospitals), multi-country (Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa) cluster-randomized trial that recruited more than 200,000 participants. The preliminary findings of this trial will be shared at this conference. 

Room: Roof Terrace International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
177 attendees saved this session

Every seven minutes a mother dies from postpartum hemorrhage, and approximately half of these deaths occur following a vaginal birth. The primary reasons for the deaths are non- or delayed diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhage and inconsistent delivery of effective interventions. The E-MOTIVE intervention addresses these challenges through early and accurate detection of postpartum hemorrhage (E) using a calibrated blood collection drape, and timely and consistent delivery of effective interventions via the MOTIVE bundle (MOTIVE: uterine Massage, Oxytocic drugs, Tranexamic acid, Intra-Venous fluids, and Examination and Escalation). The E-MOTIVE trial is a multi-centre (78 hospitals), multi-country (Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa) cluster-randomized trial that recruited more than 200,000 participants. The preliminary findings of this trial will be shared at this conference. 

Early Detection and First Response Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage at Vaginal Birth: Results of the Multi-country Cluster-Randomized E-MOTIVE Trial
Late Breaker Panel 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 09:00:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 09:45:00 UTC
Presenters Arri Coomarasamy
Professor, University Of Birmingham
Ioannis Gallos
Medical Officer, WHO
University of Birmingham
Medical Officer
Ministry of Health
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