Health Systems and Workforce | Strengthening Quality of Care Room: 1.63-1.64 Pre-Formed Panel
May 09, 2023 13:15 - 14:30(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230509T1315 20230509T1430 Africa/Johannesburg My Job, My Voice: Harnessing Midwives’ Demands at Scale to Strengthen the Enabling Environment for Midwifery

Midwives play a pivotal role in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality and stillbirths in low- and middle-income countries and providing women and newborns with sexual and reproductive health services. Yet the midwifery workforce is in crisis. There is an estimated global shortage of 900,000 midwives due to fewer intakes into educational institutions; inadequate investment in recruitment, deployment, and remuneration; and a weak supportive environment.White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) pioneered an innovative programmatic approach that both increases political will to invest in midwives and accelerates national policy change, all in accordance with midwives' priorities. Midwives' Voices, Midwives' Demands (MVMD) is a groundbreaking campaign launched in 2021 by WRA, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), and partners. The campaign was based on an open-ended question: "What do you want most in your role as a midwife?" WRA and ICM selected nine focus countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe for intensive outreach. Trained mobilizers queried health providers and recorded responses using the What Women Want Chatbot - a novel digital tool that uses WhatsApp and artificial intelligence to rapidly capture demands and analyze results. Responses from non-focus countries were collected via an e-survey.MVMD reached 56,000+ midwives in 100 countries. The two largest demands were for more and better supported personnel, including increased salaries, and for supplies and functional facilities. This panel will explore how campaign partners have used the MVMD process and results to strengthen midwifery policy development and implementation in their countries, creating a more conducive environment based on what midwives say.

Room: 1.63-1.64 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
81 attendees saved this session

Midwives play a pivotal role in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality and stillbirths in low- and middle-income countries and providing women and newborns with sexual and reproductive health services. Yet the midwifery workforce is in crisis. There is an estimated global shortage of 900,000 midwives due to fewer intakes into educational institutions; inadequate investment in recruitment, deployment, and remuneration; and a weak supportive environment.

White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) pioneered an innovative programmatic approach that both increases political will to invest in midwives and accelerates national policy change, all in accordance with midwives' priorities. Midwives' Voices, Midwives' Demands (MVMD) is a groundbreaking campaign launched in 2021 by WRA, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), and partners. The campaign was based on an open-ended question: "What do you want most in your role as a midwife?" WRA and ICM selected nine focus countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe for intensive outreach. Trained mobilizers queried health providers and recorded responses using the What Women Want Chatbot - a novel digital tool that uses WhatsApp and artificial intelligence to rapidly capture demands and analyze results. Responses from non-focus countries were collected via an e-survey.

MVMD reached 56,000+ midwives in 100 countries. The two largest demands were for more and better supported personnel, including increased salaries, and for supplies and functional facilities. This panel will explore how campaign partners have used the MVMD process and results to strengthen midwifery policy development and implementation in their countries, creating a more conducive environment based on what midwives say.

Midwives' Voices Inform and Catalyze a Robust National Midwifery Agenda in Kenya
Panel 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Health Systems and Workforce
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Sandra Mwarania
Head Of Programs, White Ribbon Alliance Kenya
Creating a National Vision and Strategic Framework for the Practice of Midwifery in Pakistan Reflective of Midwives' Priorities
Panel 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Health Systems and Workforce
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Rafia Rauf Shakeel
National Coordinator/Project Director, Forum For Safe Motherhood (White Ribbon Alliance Pakistan Chapter)
Amplifying Midwives' Perspectives and Priorities in the Government of India's Rollout of Midwifery-Led Care
Panel 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Health Systems and Workforce
Strengthening Quality of Care
Chaitanya Tupaki Sreepoorna
Senior Program Officer(Communications), Centre For Catalyzing Change
My Voice Is Making Change for Midwives and Those in Our Care
Panel 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Health Systems and Workforce
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Ruby Naa Ago Larbi Mensah Ansah-Tagoe
Midwife, Tema Health Center
Emma Kwegyir-Afful
Lecturer, University Of Salford
Angela Nguku
Executive Director, White Ribbon Alliance Kenya
Tema Health Center
National Coordinator/Project Director
Forum for Safe Motherhood (White Ribbon Alliance Pakistan Chapter)
Senior Program Officer(Communications)
Centre for Catalyzing Change
Head of Programs
White Ribbon Alliance Kenya
Advocacy and Communications Manager
White Ribbon Alliance
Ms. Angela Nguku
Executive Director
White Ribbon Alliance Kenya
Attendees public profile is disabled.
Midwives' Voices Inform and Catalyze a Robust N...
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