Targets and Metrics | Focus: Small and Sick Newborns Room: 1.61-1.62 Pre-Formed Panel
May 09, 2023 11:00 - 12:15(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230509T1100 20230509T1215 Africa/Johannesburg Small Vulnerable Newborns: Measurement Now and Next to Enable Better Care and Faster Progress to National Targets around the World

Globally, one in six babies are born with a low birthweight and one in 10 are born preterm. The Global Nutrition Target for 30% reduction in low birthweight by 2025 is off track and preterm rates are rising in many countries.

Newborns with low birthweight include those born preterm or small for gestational age, and those with both conditions. Such infants are at risk of early mortality and poor health throughout their life course. However, birthweight and gestational age are often measured separately, meaning the two types of low birthweight cannot be distinguished; small for gestational age infants may not be recognized due to lack of knowledge of gestational age; and stillbirths are omitted. New approaches are needed.

The Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Collaboration has more than 250 members, including governments, implementers, and researchers. The collaborative has enabled a massive dataset of 279.3 million live births from 23 high-income and 14 low- and middle-income countries from 2000 to 2021. This dataset allows newborn types to be determined by combining gestational age (preterm vs. term) and size (small, appropriate, and large for gestational age), enabling more targeted care and elucidating aetiology to accelerate health of vulnerable newborns globally.

We share novel findings, and then a panel of country representatives and experts will map the way forward. This panel links to the Lancet Small Vulnerable Newborn series, "Born Too Soon Decade" report, and Vulnerable Newborn supplement in BJOG, which will be launched at the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC). We aim to inform actions before IMNHC 2025.

Room: 1.61-1.62 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
172 attendees saved this session

Globally, one in six babies are born with a low birthweight and one in 10 are born preterm. The Global Nutrition Target for 30% reduction in low birthweight by 2025 is off track and preterm rates are rising in many countries.

Newborns with low birthweight include those born preterm or small for gestational age, and those with both conditions. Such infants are at risk of early mortality and poor health throughout their life course. However, birthweight and gestational age are often measured separately, meaning the two types of low birthweight cannot be distinguished; small for gestational age infants may not be recognized due to lack of knowledge of gestational age; and stillbirths are omitted. New approaches are needed.

The Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Collaboration has more than 250 members, including governments, implementers, and researchers. The collaborative has enabled a massive dataset of 279.3 million live births from 23 high-income and 14 low- and middle-income countries from 2000 to 2021. This dataset allows newborn types to be determined by combining gestational age (preterm vs. term) and size (small, appropriate, and large for gestational age), enabling more targeted care and elucidating aetiology to accelerate health of vulnerable newborns globally.

We share novel findings, and then a panel of country representatives and experts will map the way forward. This panel links to the Lancet Small Vulnerable Newborn series, "Born Too Soon Decade" report, and Vulnerable Newborn supplement in BJOG, which will be launched at the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC). We aim to inform actions before IMNHC 2025.

Measurement Past, Present, and Future for Small Vulnerable Newborns, Born Too Soon and Too Small
Panel 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 09:00:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 10:15:00 UTC
Eric Ohuma
Associate Professor, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Hannah Blencowe
Associate Professor, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Yemi Okwaraji
Assistant Professor, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Judith Yargawa
Research Fellow, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Hannah Blencowe
Associate Professor, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Collaborative Group
Not Applicable, Multiple Organizations
Vulnerable Newborn Types: Prevalence of Vulnerable Newborns and Analyses of Birth Outcome Data from 43 Countries in Six Regions (2000-2021)
Panel 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 09:00:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 10:15:00 UTC
Presenters Lorena Suarez-Idueta
Researcher, Mexican Society Of Public Health
Hannah Blencowe
Associate Professor, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Daniel Erchick
Assistant Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Collaborative Group
Not Applicable, Multiple Organizations
Ellen Bradley
Researcher, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Small Babies, High Mortality Risk: Analyses of Neonatal Mortality for 125.7 Million Live Births from 24 Countries (2000-2020)
Panel 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 09:00:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 10:15:00 UTC
Presenters Elizabeth A. Hazel
Assistant Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Hannah Blencowe
Associate Professor, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Collaborative Group
Not Applicable, Multiple Organizations
Policy Talk Show/Panel: Measurement Now and Next to Enable Better Care and Faster Progress to National Targets
Panel 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 09:00:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 10:15:00 UTC
Mihretab Salasibew
Director, Evidence, Measurement & Evaluation, Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Hannah Blencowe
Associate Professor, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Robert Black
Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Joy Lawn
Professor , The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Aris Papageorghiou
Professor And Director Of Research, University Of Oxford, Oxford Maternal And Perinatal Health Institute (OMPHI)
Msandeni Chiume
Principle Investigator, NEST360, Kamuzu University Of Health Sciences (KUHS)
Lucia Hug
Statistics Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Director, Evidence, Measurement & Evaluation
Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Associate Professor
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Assistant Scientist
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Mexican Society of Public Health
Prof. Aris Papageorghiou
Professor and Director of Research
University of Oxford, Oxford Maternal and Perinatal Health Institute (OMPHI)
Director, Evidence, Measurement & Evaluation
Children's Investment Fund Foundation
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Small Babies, High Mortality Risk: Analyses of ...
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