Launches and Announcements Room: 2.41-2.43 Thematic Session
May 10, 2023 15:15 - 16:15(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230510T1515 20230510T1615 Africa/Johannesburg The Quality Maternal and Newborn Care (QMNC) Research Alliance Platform: Aligning and Accelerating Community-Led Midwifery Care Research

Meet QMNC Research Alliance's global interactive, web-based platform designed to facilitate work within a strong collaborative of scholars and practitioners seeking answers to critical reproductive health issues. We will explore the platform, identify how your interests align with QMNC's research priorities & pinpoint resources & support.

Room: 2.41-2.43 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
58 attendees saved this session

Meet QMNC Research Alliance's global interactive, web-based platform designed to facilitate work within a strong collaborative of scholars and practitioners seeking answers to critical reproductive health issues. We will explore the platform, identify how your interests align with QMNC's research priorities & pinpoint resources & support.

Midwifery Lecture
Midwifery Association of Zambia
Senior Research Manager
Quality Maternal and Newborn Care Research Alliance (QMNC)
Communications and Advocacy Specialist
Global Breastfeeding Collective
Associate Professor
Department of Health Promotion and Community Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut
 Micknai Arefaine
Cultural Organizer
Za Gualay Consulting
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The Quality Maternal and Newborn Care (QMNC) Re...
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