Fail Forward Room: 2.44-2.46 Thematic Session
May 10, 2023 16:35 - 17:35(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230510T1635 20230510T1735 Africa/Johannesburg Malaria in Pregnancy (MiP): Unlocking Adolescent-Friendly Community-Based Solutions

The Malaria Consortium presents an interactive session aiming to bring together the reproductive and maternal health, youth, and infectious diseases communities to engage in catalytic solution building - tackling the challenges faced by adolescents that increase their risk of malaria in pregnancy (MiP) and co-creating innovative, integrated solutions that are rooted in communities.

Room: 2.44-2.46 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
41 attendees saved this session

The Malaria Consortium presents an interactive session aiming to bring together the reproductive and maternal health, youth, and infectious diseases communities to engage in catalytic solution building - tackling the challenges faced by adolescents that increase their risk of malaria in pregnancy (MiP) and co-creating innovative, integrated solutions that are rooted in communities.

Malaria Consortium
Malaria Consortium
Senior Technical Advisor
Malaria Consortium
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Malaria in Pregnancy (MiP): Unlocking Adolescen...
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