The third plenary, The Road to 90/90/80/80 for Maternal and Newborn Health: Progress and Gaps at SDG Midpoint, will launch the highly anticipated Improving maternal and newborn health and survival and reducing stillbirth. Progress report 2023. This joint progress report for the Every Newborn Action Plan and Ending Preventing Maternal Mortality will highlight progress in achieving maternal and newborn health targets, including countries that are on track, targets for the future, and what has worked for focus countries.
Auditorium 1 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023 information@imnhc.orgThe third plenary, The Road to 90/90/80/80 for Maternal and Newborn Health: Progress and Gaps at SDG Midpoint, will launch the highly anticipated Improving maternal and newborn health and survival and reducing stillbirth. Progress report 2023. This joint progress report for the Every Newborn Action Plan and Ending Preventing Maternal Mortality will highlight progress in achieving maternal and newborn health targets, including countries that are on track, targets for the future, and what has worked for focus countries.