Innovative Tools and Strategies | Health Systems and Workforce | Strengthening Quality of Care | Global Guidelines and Local Adaptations | Focus: Gender | Focus: Small and Sick Newborns Room: Daisy Oral Abstracts
May 11, 2023 09:10 - 10:25(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230511T0910 20230511T1025 Africa/Johannesburg Improving Quality of Care across the Continuum in Tanzania

Behavior Change Impact at Scale: Results and Lessons Learned from a Large, Integrated Health Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Program for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH) Behaviors in Tanzania

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Tulonge Afya catalyzes opportunities for Tanzanians to improve their health status by transforming socio-cultural norms and supporting the adoption of healthier behaviors. The project supports the Government of Tanzania (GOT) to use a life stage approach and a branded, long-running social and behavior change (SBC) platform called NAWEZA (or "I Can") to integrate promotion of priority maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH), family planning (FP), and malaria behaviors with a focus on gateway behaviors.

Investment Case for Small and Sick Newborn Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Analyses in Tanzania 

Worldwide, 2.4 million neonates die during their first 28 days. Scale-up of small and sick newborn care (SSNC) is high impact and necessary to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and Every Newborn targets. Many countries have committed to scaling World Health Organization (WHO) level-2+ newborn care units for 80% of districts. There is demand for data-based investment cases to inform budgeting and resource mobilization. Tanzania has SSNC targets in their National One plan III, requiring additional investment.

Using a Combination of High-Impact Interventions to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes: Results from Mara Region, Tanzania 

According to the Tanzania Health and Demographic Survey 2015–16, Tanzania's maternal mortality ratio had increased to 556/100,000 live births, missing Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4. Tanzania's Mara Regi ...

Room: Daisy International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
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Behavior Change Impact at Scale: Results and Lessons Learned from a Large, Integrated Health Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Program for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH) Behaviors in Tanzania

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Tulonge Afya catalyzes opportunities for Tanzanians to improve their health status by transforming socio-cultural norms and supporting the adoption of healthier behaviors. The project supports the Government of Tanzania (GOT) to use a life stage approach and a branded, long-running social and behavior change (SBC) platform called NAWEZA (or "I Can") to integrate promotion of priority maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH), family planning (FP), and malaria behaviors with a focus on gateway behaviors.

Investment Case for Small and Sick Newborn Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Analyses in Tanzania 

Worldwide, 2.4 million neonates die during their first 28 days. Scale-up of small and sick newborn care (SSNC) is high impact and necessary to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and Every Newborn targets. Many countries have committed to scaling World Health Organization (WHO) level-2+ newborn care units for 80% of districts. There is demand for data-based investment cases to inform budgeting and resource mobilization. Tanzania has SSNC targets in their National One plan III, requiring additional investment.

Using a Combination of High-Impact Interventions to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes: Results from Mara Region, Tanzania 

According to the Tanzania Health and Demographic Survey 2015–16, Tanzania's maternal mortality ratio had increased to 556/100,000 live births, missing Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4. Tanzania's Mara Region reported 66 maternal deaths out of 49,800 deliveries in 2015, with only 10% of antenatal care (ANC) attendance below 12 weeks and 43% of mothers with four or more ANC visits. Their average rate of institutional delivery was only 50%. Research shows that quality ANC visits with timely identification of risk factors and pregnancy-induced complications reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

Predictors of Respectful Maternity Care and Influence of HIV Status among Women Giving Birth in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 

Respectful maternity care (RMC) is a rights-based approach to childbirth that centers the dignity, autonomy, and well-being of the birthing woman. This study aimed to examine factors associated with RMC among women giving birth in Tanzania, and to examine whether HIV status was associated with self-reported RMC.

Behavior Change Impact at Scale: Results and Lessons Learned from a Large, Integrated Health Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Program for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH) Behaviors in Tanzania
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:25 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:25:00 UTC
Strengthening Quality of Care
Innovative Tools and Strategies
Donna McCarraher
Director, FHI 360
Kara Tureski
Director Of Social And Behavior Change (SBC), FHI 360
Waziri Nyoni
Chief Of Party, FHI 360
Prisca Rwezahura
Director Of Communication, FHI 360
Joseph Msofe
Director Of M&E, FHI 360
Claire Gillum
Technical Advisor, FHI 360
Mark Lwakatare
Technical Officer - Strategic Information, FHI 360
JohnBoscoe Basomingera
Senior Technical Advisor, FHI 360
Theresia Mrema
Lulu Msangi
SBC Lead And Project Management Specialist, USAID Tanzania
Investment Case for Small and Sick Newborn Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Analyses in Tanzania
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:25 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:25:00 UTC
Small and Sick Newborns (SSNB)
Global Guidelines and Local Adaptations
Health Systems and Workforce
Rosemary Kamuyu
Research Assistant Health Financing-Newborn Health, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Alice Tarus
Research Assistant- Health Financing Newborn, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Felix Bundala
Head Of Newborn And Child Health Unit, Ministry Of Health-Tanzania
Georgina Msemo
Liaison Officer , Global Financing Facility, The World Bank Group
Donat Shamba
Senior Research Scientist, Ifakara Health Institute
Nahya Salim
Senior Lecturer In Paediatrics & Child Health, MUHAS
Catherine Paul
Country Director NEST360-Tanzania, Rice University-NEST360
Robert Tillya
Health Research Scientist, Ifakara Health Institute
Maria Oden
Teaching Professor, Rice University-NEST360
Rebecca Richards-Kortum
Professor, Rice University-NEST360
Timothy Powell- Jackson
Professor Of Health Economics, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Joy Lawn
Professor , The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Using a Combination of High-Impact Interventions to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes: Results from Mara Region, Tanzania
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:25 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:25:00 UTC
Strengthening Quality of Care
Health Systems and Workforce
Godlisten Martin
Maternal And Newborn Advisor, Jhpiego
Joseph Massenga
Technical Director, Jhpiego
Lusekelo Njonge
M&E Director, Jhpiego
Rita Noronha
Chief Of Party, Jhpiego
Juma Mfanga
Mara RHMT, MoH
Leah Daniel
Mara RHMT, MoH
Ahmad Mohamed Makuwani
Director, Ministry Of Health
Ntuli Kapologwe
Director Of Health, Social Welfare And Nutrition Services, Tanzania PORALG
Defa Wane
Senior Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child And Adolescent Health Advisor, USAID Tanzania
Miriam Kombe
Maternal Newborn Specialist, USAID
Predictors of Respectful Maternity Care and Influence of HIV Status among Women Giving Birth in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:25 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:25:00 UTC
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Mariam Barabara
Researcher, Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute, Moshi, Tanzania
Susanna Cohen
Associate Professor, University Of Utah
Gileard Masenga
Executive Director, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) Consultant Hospital
Linda Minja
Researcher, Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute
Maya Stephens
Researcher, University Of Utah
Pendo Mlay
Clinical Lead, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center
Gaudensia Olomi
Regional Nurse Officer, Regional Quality Improvement Focal Person, Kilimanjaro Regional Department Of Health
Janeth Mlay
Scientist, Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute
Virginie Marchand
Medical Student And Research Fellow, Duke University
Anya Weglarz
University Of Utah
Olivia Hanson
University Of Utah
Blandina Mmbaga
Director, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center
Melissa Watt
Professor, University Of Utah
Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute, Moshi, Tanzania
Maternal and Newborn Advisor
Research Assistant Health Financing-Newborn Health
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
FHI 360
Director of Nursing and Midwifery Services-Tanzania
Dr. Sarah Anne Collins
Research Assistant, Paediatric Clinical Fellow
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
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Behavior Change Impact at Scale: Results and Le...
IMNHC_1684769219donna_mccarraher.pptx View Submitted by Kara Tureski 3
Investment Case for Small and Sick Newborn Care...
IMNHC_1690912173IMNHC_1684769253275_rose_kamuyu.pdf View Submitted by Rosemary Kamuyu 3
Using a Combination of High-Impact Intervention...
IMNHC_1684769295imnhc1097_godlisten_martin_final_edits__1_.pptx View Submitted by Alice Christensen 1
Predictors of Respectful Maternity Care and Inf...
IMNHC_1690912265IMNHC_1684769325509_mariam_l_barabara.pdf View Submitted by Mariam Barabara 1
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