Room: Watsonia & Bluebell Satellite Session
May 08, 2023 09:00 - 12:30(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230508T0900 20230508T1230 Africa/Johannesburg Outbreak Readiness: Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health in Humanitarian Settings

Sexual, reproductive, maternal, and newborn health (SRMNH) services are essential components of any humanitarian response, including infectious disease outbreaks. Come learn about two new operational guidance documents aimed at helping managers prepare for and provide SRMNH services during outbreaks in humanitarian and fragile settings.

Room: Watsonia & Bluebell International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
138 attendees saved this session

Sexual, reproductive, maternal, and newborn health (SRMNH) services are essential components of any humanitarian response, including infectious disease outbreaks. Come learn about two new operational guidance documents aimed at helping managers prepare for and provide SRMNH services during outbreaks in humanitarian and fragile settings.

Senior Technical Advisor, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
International Rescue Committee
Senior Advisor, Reproductive Health in Emergency Settings
Save the Children
Senior Health Coordinator
International Rescue Committee
Maternal and Newborn Health Specialist
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Senior Humanitarian Advisor for Reproductive Health
Save The Children
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Outbreak Readiness: Sexual, Reproductive, Mater...
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