Westin Cape Town (Ballroom West) Unofficial Side Event
May 09, 2023 17:30 - 19:00(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230509T1730 20230509T1900 Africa/Johannesburg Launch of the 2023 Lancet Series on Small Vulnerable Newborns

All newborns deserve the chance to survive and thrive. However, a quarter of the world's newborns are born too early or too small, with wide-ranging implications. Please join Kate McIntosh, Senior Editor of The Lancet Global Health, and a panel of experts as they unpack a new Lancet Series focused on the small vulnerable newborn (SVN). Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet, will provide opening remarks before panelists address questions such as: -Why it is important to increase attention to SVN, i.e., newborns who are preterm, small-for-gestational-age, or have low birth weight. -How common are SVN births are in different world regions? Where has progress faltered, and why? -What are the biological pathways that lead to SVN births? -How a large share of SVN births and associated ill health could be prevented with a package of low-cost antenatal interventions. The Lancet Series provides a scientific basis for action and calls for a global response to support a healthy start for every baby everywhere.

Register in advance via http://easycode.com/lancetsvn2023

Westin Cape Town (Ballroom West) International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023 information@imnhc.org
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All newborns deserve the chance to survive and thrive. However, a quarter of the world's newborns are born too early or too small, with wide-ranging implications.

Please join Kate McIntosh, Senior Editor of The Lancet Global Health, and a panel of experts as they unpack a new Lancet Series focused on the small vulnerable newborn (SVN). Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet, will provide opening remarks before panelists address questions such as:

-Why it is important to increase attention to SVN, i.e., newborns who are preterm, small-for-gestational-age, or have low birth weight.
-How common are SVN births are in different world regions? Where has progress faltered, and why?
-What are the biological pathways that lead to SVN births?
-How a large share of SVN births and associated ill health could be prevented with a package of low-cost antenatal interventions.

The Lancet Series provides a scientific basis for action and calls for a global response to support a healthy start for every baby everywhere.

Register in advance via http://easycode.com/lancetsvn2023

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