Innovative Tools and Strategies | Strengthening Quality of Care | Global Guidelines and Local Adaptations Room: 1.41-1.42 Oral Abstracts
May 11, 2023 09:10 - 10:10(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230511T0910 20230511T1010 Africa/Johannesburg Innovative Tools to Improve Intrapartum Care

OTIP: An Innovative Obstetric Triage Implementation Package to Reduce Delay and Improve the Quality of Care at Referral Hospitals in Ghana

Institutional delivery reduces maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. However, hospitals in low-resource countries commonly operate on a first-come, first-served basis, resulting in laboring women waiting hours before assessment by providers. This waiting period - the "third delay" - escalates obstetric complications and contributes to mortality. Timely assessment and treatment improve outcomes, yet no documented obstetric triage system exists in low-resource countries.

Improving Maternal Health Outcomes by Enhancing Provider Performance through Innovative Technologies in Low-Resource Settings 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), oxytocin is best given within one minute after birth, making timely administration of oxytocin the most important intervention to reduce postpartum hemorrhage. Despite these guidelines, health providers do not consistently adhere to this best practice. Psychological research supports that feedback can improve clinical performance. In low-resource settings, opportunities for regular supervision and mentoring may be limited, and alternative sources of feedback that are appropriate, cost-effective, and sustainable are critical.

Co-creation with Health Care Providers of Clinical Guidelines for Maternity Care in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (The PartoMa Project) 

Universal clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are often unachievable particular in low-resources settings. Despite this, CPGs are rarely adapted to local settings. We describe the process of co-adapting CPGs for health care providers of maternity care in five hospitals in Dar es Salaam, Ta ...

Room: 1.41-1.42 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
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OTIP: An Innovative Obstetric Triage Implementation Package to Reduce Delay and Improve the Quality of Care at Referral Hospitals in Ghana

Institutional delivery reduces maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. However, hospitals in low-resource countries commonly operate on a first-come, first-served basis, resulting in laboring women waiting hours before assessment by providers. This waiting period - the "third delay" - escalates obstetric complications and contributes to mortality. Timely assessment and treatment improve outcomes, yet no documented obstetric triage system exists in low-resource countries.

Improving Maternal Health Outcomes by Enhancing Provider Performance through Innovative Technologies in Low-Resource Settings 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), oxytocin is best given within one minute after birth, making timely administration of oxytocin the most important intervention to reduce postpartum hemorrhage. Despite these guidelines, health providers do not consistently adhere to this best practice. Psychological research supports that feedback can improve clinical performance. In low-resource settings, opportunities for regular supervision and mentoring may be limited, and alternative sources of feedback that are appropriate, cost-effective, and sustainable are critical.

Co-creation with Health Care Providers of Clinical Guidelines for Maternity Care in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (The PartoMa Project) 

Universal clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are often unachievable particular in low-resources settings. Despite this, CPGs are rarely adapted to local settings. We describe the process of co-adapting CPGs for health care providers of maternity care in five hospitals in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

OTIP: An Innovative Obstetric Triage Implementation Package to Reduce Delay and Improve the Quality of Care at Referral Hospitals in Ghana
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:10 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:10:00 UTC
Innovative Tools and Strategies
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Mary Ashinyo
Deputy Director - Institutional Care Division - For Quality And Safety Management, Ministry Of Health Ghana
Co-authors Martin Owusu Boamah
National Physician OTIP Champion, Ghana Health Service
Fiona Bryce
Retired Obstetrician And Gynaecologist, Kybele
Rohit Ramaswamy
Professor Of Pediatrics And Co-research Director At The James M. Anderson Center For Health Systems Excellence, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Sylvia Deganus
Dr, World Health Organization
Cecilia Tetteh
Midwife And National Midwife Triage Champion, Greater Accra Regional Hospital
Medge Owen
Founder, Kybele
Improving Maternal Health Outcomes by Enhancing Provider Performance through Innovative Technologies in Low-Resource Settings
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:10 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:10:00 UTC
Innovative Tools and Strategies
Presenters Jana Smith
Managing Director, Ideas42
Sara Flanagan
Principal Behavioral Designer, Ideas42
Maddie Kau
Senior Behavioral Designer, Ideas42
Tina Razfinimanana
Chief Adolescent Empowerment And Community Resilience, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Marie Sandra Lennon
Manager, NGO Saint Raphael Madagascar
Ingabire Magera
Senior Advisor , Continuum Of Care Services, Management Sciences For Health /MSH
Co-creation with Health Care Providers of Clinical Guidelines for Maternity Care in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (The PartoMa Project)
Single Abstract 09:10 AM - 10:10 AM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 07:10:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 08:10:00 UTC
Global Guidelines and Local Adaptations
Innovative Tools and Strategies
Presenters Natasha Housseine
The Aga Khan University, Tanzania, Aga Khan University Dar Es Salaam, East Africa
Tarek Meguid
Consultant Obstetrician, Child Health Unit, Department Of Paediatrics And Child Health, University Of Cape Town
Brenda Sequeira Dmello
Technical Advisor, CCBRT
Monica Kujabi
PhD Student, University Of Copenhagen, Denmark
Haika Monica Osaki
PhD Fellow, University Of Copenhagen
Luciana Chamwi
Research Assistant, The Aga Khan University, Tanzania
Thomas Wiswa John
Phd Student, Global Health Section, Department Of Public Health, University Of Copenhagen, Denmark
Columba Mbekenga
Associate Professor, Herbert Kairuki Memorial University
Eunice Pallangyo
Associate Regional Vice Provost, Aga Khan University
Dan Wolf Meyrowitsch
Associate Professor, University Of Copenhagen
Jos Van Roosmalen
Professor, Athena Institute, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Thomas Van Den Akker
Professor, Athena Institute, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hussein Kidanto
Associate Dean, Medical College, East Africa, Aga Khan University, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Nanna Maaloe
MD, Ass. Professor, University Of Copenhagen
The Aga Khan University, Tanzania
Aga Khan University Dar es Salaam, East Africa
Managing Director
Deputy Director - Institutional Care Division - for Quality and Safety Management
Ministry of Health Ghana
Dr. Willibald Zeck
Chief, Sexual and Reproductive Health Branch
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Prof. Arri Coomarasamy
University of Birmingham
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Improving Maternal Health Outcomes by Enhancing...
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OTIP: An Innovative Obstetric Triage Implement...
IMNHC_1684528990mary_ashinyo.pptx View Submitted by Erin Pfeiffer 5
Co-creation with Health Care Providers of Clini...
IMNHC_1690913580IMNHC_1684529060050_natasha_housseine.pdf View Submitted by Natasha Housseine 2
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