Prevention and Clinical Management | Global Guidelines and Local Adaptations | Focus: Gender | Focus: Small and Sick Newborns Room: Auditorium 2 Oral Abstracts
May 09, 2023 13:15 - 14:30(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230509T1315 20230509T1430 Africa/Johannesburg Late-Breaker Session #2: New Clinical Strategies to Support Better Maternal and Newborn Health Outcomes

Intrapartum Oral Azithromycin to Prevent Maternal and Newborn Sepsis or Death: A Multinational Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)

We tested the hypothesis that a single oral dose of azithromycin (AZI) given during labor in women planning a vaginal delivery would reduce maternal death or perinatal death or sepsis.

Prevention of Infant Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Illness with a Bivalent RSVpreF Vaccine in Pregnancy: Results from a Global Efficacy Trial 

Maternal vaccination is a promising strategy to protect young infants against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) illness from birth through the period of highest risk.

From Global to Local: Accelerating Access to Essential Postpartum Haemorrhage Medicines 

Concept Foundation, WACI Heath, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), and International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) conducted an advocacy initiative with the purpose of accelerating access and safe use of quality-assured heat-stable carbetocin (HSC) for prevention, and tranexamic acid (TXA) for treatment of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) in nine sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries (funded by MSD for Mothers). The scope of work covered updating national norms and standards and developing contextualized clinical protocols and job aids for health care providers who will be trained in implementing these interventions. The objectives of the initiative were to raise awareness of the importance of quality maternal health medicines and support the national revision and update of PPH guidelines and essential medicines lists to include HSC and TXA, in line with recent World Health Organization (WHO) PPH recommendations.

Can Oxytocin and Tranexamic Acid Be Mixed for Co-administration by ...

Room: Auditorium 2 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
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Intrapartum Oral Azithromycin to Prevent Maternal and Newborn Sepsis or Death: A Multinational Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)

We tested the hypothesis that a single oral dose of azithromycin (AZI) given during labor in women planning a vaginal delivery would reduce maternal death or perinatal death or sepsis.

Prevention of Infant Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Illness with a Bivalent RSVpreF Vaccine in Pregnancy: Results from a Global Efficacy Trial 

Maternal vaccination is a promising strategy to protect young infants against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) illness from birth through the period of highest risk.

From Global to Local: Accelerating Access to Essential Postpartum Haemorrhage Medicines 

Concept Foundation, WACI Heath, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), and International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) conducted an advocacy initiative with the purpose of accelerating access and safe use of quality-assured heat-stable carbetocin (HSC) for prevention, and tranexamic acid (TXA) for treatment of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) in nine sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries (funded by MSD for Mothers). The scope of work covered updating national norms and standards and developing contextualized clinical protocols and job aids for health care providers who will be trained in implementing these interventions. The objectives of the initiative were to raise awareness of the importance of quality maternal health medicines and support the national revision and update of PPH guidelines and essential medicines lists to include HSC and TXA, in line with recent World Health Organization (WHO) PPH recommendations.

Can Oxytocin and Tranexamic Acid Be Mixed for Co-administration by IV Infusion for the Treatment of Postpartum Haemorrhage? 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined a postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) "first-response" treatment bundle that comprises the five key elements of uterine massage, uterotonic drugs, tranexamic acid, intravenous fluids, and examination of the genital tract and escalation of care. A key implementation approach that we explored is the co-administration (infusion) of oxytocin and tranexamic acid in intravenous fluids. This approach could simplify administration, which may be particularly important in resource-constrained settings with limited numbers of health care practitioners to attend a PPH emergency. Following an extensive literature review, no reports were identified providing evidence of the compatibility of oxytocin and tranexamic acid when mixed for intravenous administration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the compatibility of oxytocin and tranexamic acid injection products when mixed for the purpose of co-administration by intravenous infusion as part of the treatment bundle for PPH.

Intrapartum Oral Azithromycin to Prevent Maternal and Newborn Sepsis or Death: A Multinational Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
Late Breaker Single Abstract 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Small and Sick Newborns (SSNB)
Prevention and Clinical Management
Prevention of Infant Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Illness with a Bivalent RSVpreF Vaccine in Pregnancy: Results from a Global Efficacy Trial
Late Breaker Single Abstract 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Small and Sick Newborns (SSNB)
Prevention and Clinical Management
Global Guidelines and Local Adaptations
Iona Munjal
Senior Director Maternal Vaccines, Pfizer Inc
Eric Simões
Professor Of Pediatrics And Epidemiology, Children's Hospital Colorado
Beate Kampmann
Professor Of Paediatric Infection & Immunity, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Shabir Madhi
MRC Vaccines And Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit
Barbara Pahud
Vaccine Research And Development, Pfizer Inc
David Radley
Vaccine Research And Development, Pfizer Inc
Emma Shittu
Vaccine Research And Development, Pfizer Inc
Kena A. Swanson
Vaccine Research And Development, Pfizer Inc
William C. Gruber
Vaccine Research And Development, Pfizer Inc
Annaliesa S. Anderson
Pfizer Worldwide Research, Development And Medical
Alejandra Gurtman
Vaccine Research And Development, Pfizer Inc
From Global to Local: Accelerating Access to Essential Postpartum Haemorrhage Medicines
Late Breaker Single Abstract 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Global Guidelines and Local Adaptations
Sara Rushwan
Project Manager, Concept Foundation
Ahmet Metin Gülmezoglu
Executive Director, Concept Foundation
Lester Chinery
Concept Foundation
Rachel Gooden
PPH Project Manager, FIGO
Joyce Ng'ang'a
Policy Advisor, WACI Health
Tabeth Chitimbe
Finance And Administrative Manager, WACI Health
Can Oxytocin and Tranexamic Acid Be Mixed for Co-administration by IV Infusion for the Treatment of Postpartum Haemorrhage?
Late Breaker Single Abstract 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Prevention and Clinical Management
Presenters Anne Ammerdorffer
Research Manager, Concept Foundation
Co-authors Pete Lambert
Director, Program Management, Monash Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Alessandra Tomazzini
Chief Technical Advisor, Concept Foundation
Philip Wright
Platform Manager, HMSTrust Analytical Laboratory, Monash Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Claire McEvoy
Research Assistent, Monash Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ioannis Gallos
Medical Officer, WHO
Lester Chinery
Director Of Programmes, Concept Foundation
Arri Coomarasamy
Professor, University Of Birmingham
Ahmet Metin Gülmezoglu
Executive Director, Concept Foundation
Research Manager
Concept Foundation
Project Manager
Concept Foundation
Professor and Director, Mary Heersink Institute of Global Health; Associate Dean, Global and Women's Health
University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine
Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology
Children's Hospital Colorado
World Bank
World Bank
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Can Oxytocin and Tranexamic Acid Be Mixed for C...
IMNHC_1684433767anne_ammerdorffer.pptx View Submitted by Anne Ammerdorffer 2
Intrapartum Oral Azithromycin to Prevent Matern...
IMNHC_1684433618alan_t_n_tita.pptx View Submitted by Alan Tita 3
Prevention of Infant Respiratory Syncytial Viru...
IMNHC_1684433676eric_simoes.pptx View Submitted by Iona Munjal 1
From Global to Local: Accelerating Access to Es...
IMNHC_1684433726sara_rushwan.pptx View Submitted by Sara Rushwan 2
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