Maternal Depressive Symptoms Increase Risk for Pregnancy Loss, Preterm Birth, and Low Birthweight among Kenyan Mother-Infant Pairs: A Prospective Cohort Study
Evidence gaps remain regarding the influence of prenatal psychosocial factors on adverse pregnancy outcomes. We evaluated relationships between psychosocial factors and perinatal outcomes among Kenyan women.
The Unrecognized Maternal Mental Health Crisis among Female Sex Workers (FSWs): The Toll of Suicides during Pregnancy
There are many studies on mental health among female sex workers (FSWs), including suicide ideation and suicide attempts, but no data on actual deaths by suicide. Notably, there are three major gaps in the literature and data: studies on FSWs do not identify deaths by suicide; most studies on mental health of FSWs do not assess the maternal mental health of FSWs; and studies on deaths of women by suicide, including maternal suicides, do not include FSWs. Further, the risks of maternal suicide may be increasing during the pandemic and the current food insecurity crisis, along with the global high rates of inflation.
Associations between Maternal Well-Being and Infant Growth Status: A Cross-Sectional Study
Both poor maternal well-being (MW) and child stunting are unacceptably high in many low- and middle-income countries. Links between maternal well-being and child nutritional status are plausible but evidence is sparse, especially in infants under six months. We thus aimed to explore the associations between these variables in a cross-sectional survey.
Journey 9: Transforming Care through Patient Accompaniment and Community Engagement
Haiti has the highest maternal and neonatal mortality rates in the western hemisphere, at 4 ...
Room: 1.41-1.42 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023 information@imnhc.orgMaternal Depressive Symptoms Increase Risk for Pregnancy Loss, Preterm Birth, and Low Birthweight among Kenyan Mother-Infant Pairs: A Prospective Cohort Study
Evidence gaps remain regarding the influence of prenatal psychosocial factors on adverse pregnancy outcomes. We evaluated relationships between psychosocial factors and perinatal outcomes among Kenyan women.
The Unrecognized Maternal Mental Health Crisis among Female Sex Workers (FSWs): The Toll of Suicides during Pregnancy
There are many studies on mental health among female sex workers (FSWs), including suicide ideation and suicide attempts, but no data on actual deaths by suicide. Notably, there are three major gaps in the literature and data: studies on FSWs do not identify deaths by suicide; most studies on mental health of FSWs do not assess the maternal mental health of FSWs; and studies on deaths of women by suicide, including maternal suicides, do not include FSWs. Further, the risks of maternal suicide may be increasing during the pandemic and the current food insecurity crisis, along with the global high rates of inflation.
Associations between Maternal Well-Being and Infant Growth Status: A Cross-Sectional Study
Both poor maternal well-being (MW) and child stunting are unacceptably high in many low- and middle-income countries. Links between maternal well-being and child nutritional status are plausible but evidence is sparse, especially in infants under six months. We thus aimed to explore the associations between these variables in a cross-sectional survey.
Journey 9: Transforming Care through Patient Accompaniment and Community Engagement
Haiti has the highest maternal and neonatal mortality rates in the western hemisphere, at 480 per 100,000 and 25 per 1,000 live births, respectively, according to the World Bank. Partners In Health and Zanmi Lasante developed Journey 9 (J9) in 2018 to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in Haiti's Central Plateau through the detection of early warning signs in pregnancy and the neonatal period. J9 utilizes interprofessional patient accompaniment and community engagement and awareness to holistically address the needs of mothers and infants by providing high-quality clinical care while also building trust in the health system.