Auditorium 1 Plenary
May 10, 2023 08:00 - 09:00(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230510T0800 20230510T0900 Africa/Johannesburg How to Prioritize and Finance Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) Programs in Primary Health Care (PHC)

The fourth plenary, How to Prioritize and Finance MNH Programs in Primary Health Care, will focus on the importance of keeping maternal newborn health at the center of primary health care. As the world moves out of the crisis stage of COVID-19 response, how can we ensure that women and newborns' needs are at the center of health programming? As important, how can we ensure those programs are funded?

Auditorium 1 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
365 attendees saved this session

The fourth plenary, How to Prioritize and Finance MNH Programs in Primary Health Care, will focus on the importance of keeping maternal newborn health at the center of primary health care. As the world moves out of the crisis stage of COVID-19 response, how can we ensure that women and newborns' needs are at the center of health programming? As important, how can we ensure those programs are funded?

Minister of Health Sierra Leone
Director, Nairobi Programme
KEMRI-Wellcome Research Programme, Nairobi
Professor/Head of Department
Prince of Songkla University
Senior Fellow
Commissioner Reproductive and Child Health Services
Ministry of Health - Uganda
Ms. Deborah Charles
Consultant and Event Moderation
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