Auditorium 1 Plenary
May 11, 2023 08:00 - 09:00(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230511T0800 20230511T0900 Africa/Johannesburg Imagine a World Where Mothers and Newborns…

The sixth plenary will Imagine a World Where Mothers and Newborns… by looking to new horizons and new approaches to delivering care. A series of TED talks will feature new research on the microbiome, ways artificial intelligence can improve access to care, the role of digital health in increasing access to information, exciting progress in new drugs for maternal needs, and the need to put women's needs and mental health at the center of care.

Auditorium 1 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
328 attendees saved this session

The sixth plenary will Imagine a World Where Mothers and Newborns… by looking to new horizons and new approaches to delivering care. A series of TED talks will feature new research on the microbiome, ways artificial intelligence can improve access to care, the role of digital health in increasing access to information, exciting progress in new drugs for maternal needs, and the need to put women's needs and mental health at the center of care.

Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Team Lead
Professor and Division Director
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Institut Pasteur De Dakar
Associate Professor & Chair
The Aga Khan University, Karachi
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BBC News
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