Innovative Tools and Strategies | Health Systems and Workforce | Strengthening Quality of Care | Focus: COVID-19 | Focus: Gender | Focus: Mental Health | Focus: Private Sector Room: 2.61-2.63 Oral Abstracts
May 11, 2023 11:50 - 13:05(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230511T1150 20230511T1305 Africa/Johannesburg Innovations for Hearing Women’s Voices to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health

The Parent Voices Initiative: The First Global Registry of Stillbirth Parent Support

To date, there has been no comprehensive cataloguing of organizations that support parents after a stillbirth, nor any review of the challenges those organizations face. The International Stillbirth Alliance (ISA) aimed to (1) identify both organisations and, in countries with few or no such organizations, individuals that support parents following a stillbirth ("support providers"), and (2) collate this information into a public global registry. We also investigated key challenges faced by support providers.

Listen to Us! A Women-Led Campaign during the COVID-19 Pandemic 

The COVID-19 pandemic posed a challenge in access to maternal health services, despite inclusion in the list of essential services. The White Ribbon Alliance Rajasthan initiated a campaign, Hamari Awaz Suno, to advocate for quality and respectful maternal health services during April 11–20, 2021.

Improving Quality of Care for Mothers and Babies in Kenya through a Digital SMS-Based Feedback Platform to Amplify Client Voices in Their Health Care Experience 

Access to respectful maternal health care for women is a fundamental right, yet remains a challenge in many contexts. In Kenya, disrespectful attitudes from providers have been described by women as barriers to care seeking. Jacaranda Health's PROMPTS, a two-way SMS-based platform, is a channel for women to provide feedback on the quality of care they receive during maternal health visits. This data is aggregated and shared with facilities and counties so they are able to reflect and act upon it, improving quality maternal health care and amplifying mothers' voices as they interact with Kenya's health care system ...

Room: 2.61-2.63 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
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The Parent Voices Initiative: The First Global Registry of Stillbirth Parent Support

To date, there has been no comprehensive cataloguing of organizations that support parents after a stillbirth, nor any review of the challenges those organizations face. The International Stillbirth Alliance (ISA) aimed to (1) identify both organisations and, in countries with few or no such organizations, individuals that support parents following a stillbirth ("support providers"), and (2) collate this information into a public global registry. We also investigated key challenges faced by support providers.

Listen to Us! A Women-Led Campaign during the COVID-19 Pandemic 

The COVID-19 pandemic posed a challenge in access to maternal health services, despite inclusion in the list of essential services. The White Ribbon Alliance Rajasthan initiated a campaign, Hamari Awaz Suno, to advocate for quality and respectful maternal health services during April 11–20, 2021.

Improving Quality of Care for Mothers and Babies in Kenya through a Digital SMS-Based Feedback Platform to Amplify Client Voices in Their Health Care Experience 

Access to respectful maternal health care for women is a fundamental right, yet remains a challenge in many contexts. In Kenya, disrespectful attitudes from providers have been described by women as barriers to care seeking. Jacaranda Health's PROMPTS, a two-way SMS-based platform, is a channel for women to provide feedback on the quality of care they receive during maternal health visits. This data is aggregated and shared with facilities and counties so they are able to reflect and act upon it, improving quality maternal health care and amplifying mothers' voices as they interact with Kenya's health care system.

Women's Lived Experience during COVID-19 in India 

Systematic advocacy, based on women's lived experiences, was needed to highlight how they were being affected by COVID-19 and the required measures to address the short-term and long-term implications of stigma and discrimination, violence against women, and the socio-economic impact on vulnerable populations, among other issues. To understand and act upon the ground-level realities of women of the reproductive age group (18 to 49 years), the Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3) conducted a survey across five Indian states of Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal in June 2020.

The Parent Voices Initiative: The First Global Registry of Stillbirth Parent Support
Single Abstract 11:50 AM - 01:05 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 09:50:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 11:05:00 UTC
Mental Health
Innovative Tools and Strategies
Health Systems and Workforce
Presenters Susannah Leisher
Ex Officio Board Chair/Research Asst Prof., International Stillbirth Alliance/University Of Utah
Vicki Ponce Hardy
Consultant, International Stillbirth Alliance
Rakhi Dandona
Professor, Public Health Foundation Of India
Hannah Blencowe
Associate Professor, The London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Claire Storey
Director, Bereavement Care, International Stillbirth Alliance
Paula Quigley
Project Director, DAI
Sofia Saterskog
Board Member, International Stillbirth Alliance
Mary Kinney
Researcher , School Of Public Health, University Of The Western Cape, South Africa
Listen to Us! A Women-Led Campaign during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Single Abstract 11:50 AM - 01:05 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 09:50:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 11:05:00 UTC
COVID-19, Gender
Innovative Tools and Strategies
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Aparajita Gogoi
Executive Director, Centre For Catalyzing Change (C3) And WRA India
Smita Bajpai
Project Director-CHETNA, EC Member WRAI, CHETNA
Tina Ravi
Senior Specialist - Reproductive Health & Rights, Centre For Catalyzing Change (C3) & White Ribbon Alliance India
Improving Quality of Care for Mothers and Babies in Kenya through a Digital SMS-Based Feedback Platform to Amplify Client Voices in Their Health Care Experience
Single Abstract 11:50 AM - 01:05 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 09:50:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 11:05:00 UTC
Private Sector
Health Systems and Workforce
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Anneka Wickramanayake
Director Of Research Design And Evaluation, Jacaranda Health
Women's Lived Experience during COVID-19 in India
Single Abstract 11:50 AM - 01:05 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/11 09:50:00 UTC - 2023/05/11 11:05:00 UTC
Strengthening Quality of Care
Presenters Aseema Mahunta Behra
Senior Programme Officer(RHR), Centre For Catalyzing Change (C3)/White Ribbon Alliance Of India(WRAI)
Mercy Manoranjini
Lead, Knowledge Management , Centre For Catalyzing Change (C3)
Tina Ravi
Senior Specialist - Reproductive Health & Rights, Centre For Catalyzing Change (C3) & White Ribbon Alliance India
Aparajita Gogoi
Executive Director, Centre For Catalyzing Change (C3) And WRA India
Senior Programme Officer(RHR)
Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3)/White Ribbon alliance of India(WRAI)
Director of Research Design and Evaluation
Jacaranda Health
Ex Officio Board Chair/Research Asst Prof.
International Stillbirth Alliance/University of Utah
Executive Director
Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3) and WRA India
Ms. Angela Nguku
Executive Director
White Ribbon Alliance Kenya
Dr. Patricia Owira
Deputy Country Director
International Centre for Reproductive Health Kenya
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Listen to Us! A Women-Led Campaign during the C...
IMNHC_1690916145IMNHC_1684765577aparajita_gogoi.pdf View Submitted by Smita Bajpai 1
Women's Lived Experience during COVID-19 in India
IMNHC_1684765647aseema_behra.pptx View Submitted by Mercy Manoranjini 2
Improving Quality of Care for Mothers and Babie...
IMNHC_1684765624anneka_wickramanayake.pptx View Submitted by Anneka Wickramanayake 1
The Parent Voices Initiative: The First Global ...
IMNHC_1684531154susannah_leisher_stillbirth.pptx View Submitted by Hannah Blencowe 2
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