Health Systems and Workforce | Strengthening Quality of Care | Focus: Youth Room: Orchid Pre-Formed Panel
May 09, 2023 13:15 - 14:30(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230509T1315 20230509T1430 Africa/Johannesburg Fear: The Hidden Threat for Quality of Care in Childbirth

Despite great improvements in health care in the past decades, fear is a prevailing emotion in childbirth. It increasingly influences women's decisions and health care providers' clinical practices, which can result in suboptimal quality of care.

Women and families fear pain, lack of support, disrespect/abuse during labour and childbirth, and adverse outcomes associated with vaginal delivery. Providers are afraid of the uncontrollable nature of childbirth, pressure from families, financial/judicial litigation, loss of practicing rights, reputational damage, and physical/verbal violence from families in case of adverse outcomes in vaginal birth.

Fears motivated by the belief that caesarean section is a safer option that guarantees the best outcomes is one of the factors driving the unprecedented increase of caesarean section use witnessed by contemporary societies worldwide. Although a caesarean is life-saving when needed, it is associated with risks that are higher for women with limited access to obstetric care.

We argue that a constructive dialogue needs to emerge between stakeholders to (i) improve understanding of each other's views, values, and needs; (ii) challenge misconceptions considering the evidence; and (iii) reconcile societies' lower tolerance for negative obstetric outcomes and the uncertain nature of childbirth, where although ideal outcomes cannot be promised, high-quality, evidence-based care should be ensured.

This panel brings together the findings of two projects that aim to improve understanding of fear as a driver for caesarean section decision-making (Re-Judge) and to adapt and implement nonclinical interventions to optimize the use of caesarean section (Quali-Dec).

Room: Orchid International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
107 attendees saved this session

Despite great improvements in health care in the past decades, fear is a prevailing emotion in childbirth. It increasingly influences women's decisions and health care providers' clinical practices, which can result in suboptimal quality of care.

Women and families fear pain, lack of support, disrespect/abuse during labour and childbirth, and adverse outcomes associated with vaginal delivery. Providers are afraid of the uncontrollable nature of childbirth, pressure from families, financial/judicial litigation, loss of practicing rights, reputational damage, and physical/verbal violence from families in case of adverse outcomes in vaginal birth.

Fears motivated by the belief that caesarean section is a safer option that guarantees the best outcomes is one of the factors driving the unprecedented increase of caesarean section use witnessed by contemporary societies worldwide. Although a caesarean is life-saving when needed, it is associated with risks that are higher for women with limited access to obstetric care.

We argue that a constructive dialogue needs to emerge between stakeholders to (i) improve understanding of each other's views, values, and needs; (ii) challenge misconceptions considering the evidence; and (iii) reconcile societies' lower tolerance for negative obstetric outcomes and the uncertain nature of childbirth, where although ideal outcomes cannot be promised, high-quality, evidence-based care should be ensured.

This panel brings together the findings of two projects that aim to improve understanding of fear as a driver for caesarean section decision-making (Re-Judge) and to adapt and implement nonclinical interventions to optimize the use of caesarean section (Quali-Dec).

Behavioural Factors Associated with Fear of Litigation as a Driver for the Increased Use of Caesarean Sections: A Scoping Review
Panel 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Strengthening Quality of Care
Meghan Bohren
Associate Professor, University Of Melbourne
Sarah Elaraby
Lecturer And Public Health Researcher, University Of Alexandria
Elena Altieri
Technical Officer, World Health Orgnization
Soo Downe
University Of Central Lancashire, University Of Central Lancashire
Joanna Erdman
Professor Of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax
Sunny Mannava
Student, University Of Hyderabad
Gill Moncrieff
Research Associate, University Of Central Lancashire
B.R. Shamanna
Professor, University Of Hyderabad
Maria Regina Torloni
Professor, São Paulo Federal University
Ana Pilar Betran
Medical Officer, World Health Organization
Fears Driving Women's Preference and Decision-Making on Mode of Birth: Experience from Burkina Faso
Panel 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Gender, None
Strengthening Quality of Care
Fadima Inna Kamina YAYA BOCOUM
Researcher, Institut De Recherche En Sciences De La Santé
Charles Paulin Kaboré
Researchers, Institut De Recherche En Sciences De La Santé
Simon Tiendrebeogo
Researcher, 1. Institut De Recherche En Sciences De La Santé
Saran Barro
Researcher, Institut De Recherche En Sciences De La Santé
Alexandre Dumont
Research Director, IRD-Université De Paris
Claudia Hanson
Senior Lecturer, Karolinska Institutet
Ana Pilar Betran
Medical Officer, World Health Organization
Meghan Bohren
Associate Professor, University Of Melbourne
Women's and Providers' Fears Driving Decision-Making on Mode of Birth: Experience from Thailand in the Quali-Dec Project
Panel 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Strengthening Quality of Care
Health Systems and Workforce
Ameporn Ratinthorn
Head Of Department/ Assiciate Professor, Faculty Of Nursing, Mahidol University, Bangkok
Sasitara Nuampa
Researcher, Faculty Of Nursing, Mahidol University
Pisake Lumbiganon
Professor, Faculty Of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
Somporn Rungreangkulkij
Researcher And Senior Lecturer, Faculty Of Nursing, Mahidol University
Nilubon Rujiraprasert
Researcher, Faculty Of Nursing, Mahidol University
Natthapat Buaboon
Researcher, Faculty Of Nursing, Mahidol University
Nampet Jampathong
Researcher, Faculty Of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
Myriam De Loenzien
Researcher, IRD-Université De Paris
Claudia Hanson
Senior Lecturer, Karolinska Institutet
Alexandre Dumont
Research Director, IRD-Université De Paris
Meghan Bohren
Associate Professor, University Of Melbourne
Ana Pilar Betran
Medical Officer, World Health Organization
Health System and Environmental Influences on Fear of Maternity Care Litigation in India (Re-Judge Project)
Panel 01:15 PM - 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg) 2023/05/09 11:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/09 12:30:00 UTC
Health Systems and Workforce
Sunny Mannava
Student, University Of Hyderabad
Soo Downe
University Of Central Lancashire, University Of Central Lancashire
B.R. Shamanna
Professor, University Of Hyderabad
Indie Kaur
Director Of Midwifery, Fernandez Foundation
Gill Moncrieff
Research Associate, University Of Central Lancashire
Joanna Erdman
Professor Of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax
Elena Altieri
Technical Officer, World Health Orgnization
Sarah Elaraby
Lecturer And Public Health Researcher, University Of Alexandria
Maria Regina Torloni
Professor, São Paulo Federal University
Ana Pilar Betran
Medical Officer, World Health Organization
University of Central Lancashire
University of Central Lancashire
Head of Department/ Assiciate Professor
Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Bangkok
Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé
Associate Professor
University of Melbourne
Medical Officer
World Health Organization
Prof. Soo Downe
University of Central Lancashire
University of Central Lancashire
Attendees public profile is disabled.
Behavioural Factors Associated with Fear of Lit...
IMNHC_1684441694meghan_a_bohren.pptx View Submitted by Ana Pilar Betran 1
Fears Driving Women's Preference and Decision-M...
IMNHC_1683195448IMNHC_BFA-02-05-2023.pptx View Submitted by Ana Pilar Betran 2
Women's and Providers' Fears Driving Decision-M...
IMNHC_1684441618ameporn_ratinthorn.pptx View Submitted by Ana Pilar Betran 2
Health System and Environmental Influences on F...
IMNHC_1684441720sunny_mannava-2.pptx View Submitted by Ana Pilar Betran 1
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