Launches and Announcements Room: Roof Terrace Thematic Session
May 11, 2023 10:45 - 11:30(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230511T1045 20230511T1130 Africa/Johannesburg Born Too Soon: A Decade of Change and Change for the Next Decade

Complications from preterm birth remain the leading cause of death for children under five, and at the top of global burden of disease in low- and high-income countries. Ten years ago, an extensive coalition of partners launched Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth. A decade on, there is much progress to celebrate; however, much remains to be achieved. Partners are once again coming together to develop a "decade" edition, taking account of contemporary challenges and drawing on new data, evidence, and country learning to provide a clear pathway for action on preterm birth and smarter spending for investments.This event will officially "launch" Born Too Soon: A Decade of Change. The event will begin with an interactive activity engaging all participants to highlight personal experiences of preterm birth. People will be asked to stand if they were born preterm, if they are the parent of a preterm baby, if they have cared for a preterm baby, or if they have friends who have experienced preterm birth. Most of room will likely now be on their feet. Then participants will reach under their chairs to find a card giving them the probability of survival based on a particular setting, highlighting the stark equity dimension of preterm birth.Next, a short video will spotlight the voices of parents and survivors from around the world. The report's main findings will then be presented, followed by another short video bringing together the perspectives of health professionals.The second half of the event will be a "fireside" conversation - an intimate moderated discussion that aims to personalise the issue and focus on the power of different constituencies to take immediate action. Speakers will be asked to share one photo (projected on screen) to begin their c ...

Room: Roof Terrace International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
139 attendees saved this session

Complications from preterm birth remain the leading cause of death for children under five, and at the top of global burden of disease in low- and high-income countries. Ten years ago, an extensive coalition of partners launched Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth. A decade on, there is much progress to celebrate; however, much remains to be achieved. Partners are once again coming together to develop a "decade" edition, taking account of contemporary challenges and drawing on new data, evidence, and country learning to provide a clear pathway for action on preterm birth and smarter spending for investments.

This event will officially "launch" Born Too Soon: A Decade of Change. The event will begin with an interactive activity engaging all participants to highlight personal experiences of preterm birth. People will be asked to stand if they were born preterm, if they are the parent of a preterm baby, if they have cared for a preterm baby, or if they have friends who have experienced preterm birth. Most of room will likely now be on their feet. Then participants will reach under their chairs to find a card giving them the probability of survival based on a particular setting, highlighting the stark equity dimension of preterm birth.

Next, a short video will spotlight the voices of parents and survivors from around the world. The report's main findings will then be presented, followed by another short video bringing together the perspectives of health professionals.

The second half of the event will be a "fireside" conversation - an intimate moderated discussion that aims to personalise the issue and focus on the power of different constituencies to take immediate action. Speakers will be asked to share one photo (projected on screen) to begin their contribution. They will be asked to link their personal experiences to action, outlining how they can use their power and the power of their institutions to act on the report's call to action.

The event will conclude with a live musical performance by preterm survivors from Cape Town.

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Born Too Soon: A Decade of Change and Change fo...
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