Knowledge Cafe Room: 1.63-1.64 Thematic Session
May 10, 2023 10:45 - 11:30(Africa/Johannesburg)
20230510T1045 20230510T1130 Africa/Johannesburg How to Deliver Quality Maternal and Newborn Care: Capacity-Building for Implementers

Bespoke learning laboratory on how to implement, assess, and measure quality maternal and newborn health (MNH) care. Key guidance will be shared, discussed, and debated, and learning experiences will be shared between implementers working on MNH at national, regional/districts, and facility levels.

Room: 1.63-1.64 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference 2023
101 attendees saved this session

Bespoke learning laboratory on how to implement, assess, and measure quality maternal and newborn health (MNH) care. Key guidance will be shared, discussed, and debated, and learning experiences will be shared between implementers working on MNH at national, regional/districts, and facility levels.

Technical Officer - MNCAH quality of care measurement
World Health Organization
Technical Officer
World Health Organization
Dr. Blerta  Maliqi
Lead strategy and programmes. Department of Maternal Newborn Child Adolescent Health and Ageing. WHO Geneva
Dr. Allisyn Moran
Maternal Health Lead
World Health Organization
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How to Deliver Quality Maternal and Newborn Car...
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