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Professor of Pediatrics
Weill Cornell Medicine
Senior SI Lead
motherstomothers Head Office
Jimma University
Directrice de la sante de la Famille
Ministere de la sante et de l'hygiene publique, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Head, Quality Assurance
Ministry of Health Kenya
Head of Programs
White Ribbon Alliance Kenya
Maternal Newborn Health specialist
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Research Specialist
Vital Pakistan Trust
Acting Director, Nutrition and Maternal and Child Health, Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Senior Public Health Specialist
Public Health Foundation of India
Program officer
Technical Officer
World Health Organization
Pharmacy Specialist
The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi Pakistan
Project Director
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Technical Officer
World Health Organization
Kano State Lead - Smile for Mothers Project
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Health Specialist (Maternal and Newborn Health)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Child health specialist
Ghana Health Service
Line Director Hospital Services Management
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala, Uganda
Program Manger
Senior Health Advisor
Additional Director General (administration)
Ministry of Health, DGHS
Technical Advisor
CARE Nepal
Direction de la Santé Familale/ Ministère de la SAnté Publique
Chef du service de santé de la femme, de l'homme et des personnes âgées
Ministère de la santé et de l'hygiène publique, Burkina Faso
Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS)
World Health Organization
Mount Kenya University
Team Leader
Nepal Health Sector Support Programme, Options Consultancy Services Ltd
Graduate Student
Emory University